Portraits of Sisters - Rennie Morrell

On the hangar wall of her duty station in Corpus Christi, Texas, hung a sign reading, "Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way." Rennie Morrell made the choice to lead that day and her path to Sisters has reflected her sense of duty to community and country ever since.

Photo courtesy of Cody Rheault

Photo and story by Cody Rheault

She stunned her family when she enlisted in the Navy at age 18. In Corpus Christi, she was an Aviation Admin but her decision to lead opened the door to a bachelor's degree in sociology and an officer's commission in 1983. She ultimately served a total of 22 years in the Navy, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Commander with stations in Japan and the Pentagon. She specialized in training and technology throughout her career. Her and husband, Jim, frequented Sisters on vacation and made the permanent move in

2000. She looked for local opportunities to serve and became one of the original founders of STARS - Sisters Transportation and Ride Share. She also assisted in implementing the ride booking software which manages the whole process from request to delivery. In 2024, STARS provided 726 roundtrip rides with drivers completing more than 32,000 miles. For Rennie, serving her community was the next logical step after a career serving this country. "I feel I was always built for a life of service. It's in my makeup," she says.


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