What we do

STARS is an ALL-VOLUNTEER initiative that has used extraordinary community spirit and dedication to create a highly praised organization with a singular mission:

“To provide non-emergency medical rides to Sisters’ residents who are unable to drive themselves.”

How we started

In 2017 a resident group, Senior Alliance, conducted a survey of what was needed for Sisters to be a more supportive and age-friendly community. Medical appointment transportation challenges were in the top three of the needs identified. Concurrently, AFSC (Age Friendly Sisters Country) was formed as a 501c3 organization designed to help initiatives such as Sisters Transportation and Ride Share (STARS) get off the ground. In November 2019, STARS became AFSC’s first Action Team and in July 2024 STARS became an independent 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Impressive growth

STARS’ first ride was on March 1, 2020, one week before COVID-19 hit. It was a scramble to make sure passenger and driver safety and health protocols were in place and acceptable. As a testament to how much of a transportation need existed, STARS grew steadily while other ride-share services stopped providing rides. By July 2024 STARS was nonprofit organization providing almost 600 roundtrip rides and volunteer drivers were completing over 25,000 miles annually.

Transportation is a crucial determinant of rural health. High costs negatively impact people who need to get to medical appointments, but availability is also an issue. STARS helps address both. Passengers continually tell us they have no idea what they would do without STARS. And it is our honor to serve them.

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